Women in Business

Pathways to Digital Presence: Clarifying Your Business Vision Online

First Nations Women in Business Workshop - Pathways to Digital Presence: Clarifying Your Business Vision Online

In this workshop, your business vision takes centre stage. Steve Davis will silence the noise of the digital world, and help you take a step-by-step approach to building your digital presence. This workshop is your space to reflect, refine, and embrace the digital aspects of your business confidently.

Key Takeaways:

  • Core Business Clarity: What makes you and your business different and valuable? We’ll identify and affirm what makes it unique, and how to present this authentically online.
  • Digital Marketing Formula: Steve will walk you through his 6-step Digital Marketing Formula that puts the various digital pieces into place, so you know what to work on in what order.
  • Content with Purpose: Develop ways to create content – from articles to videos – that speak directly to your audience and help you achieve good SEO (search engine optimisation) so search engines can help people find you. We’ll also demystify how to use some AI tools to help with this.
  • Strategic Social Media: You can’t be everywhere, so we’ll discuss how to select the places that suit your marketing needs best, whether that’s Facebook, TikTok, forums, or any number of options.

TIME: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm (Morning Tea & Lunch provided)